Sunday, December 28, 2008

How is my baby 10!

Wow I got a Smile!
Blowing out Candles!

Ummm Good! Talking to Grandma and licking the batter at the same time!

Today is the day 10 years ago about lunch time I went to the hospital and they sent me home said "I wasn't in Labor!" It sure felt like labor! Then a few hours later about 15 minutes after pulling up to the hospital out came our Quinlan! We were so anxious for him to come here. We knew he was a boy and we were so excited! We had a scare during my pregnancy and thought he might not make it here! That is why we picked his name it means the Hearth of the Home, The Warmth! Quinn (or Quinnie, or Quinnie the Pooh, which I am not allowed to call him anymore!) has added more warmth and love to our home then we could of ever imagined! He is a valiant young man, I know he is truly part of the "Army of Heleman" and that his character is strong. He loves his friends and his family and I am so very blessed to call him my son! We love you Quinnie, Happy Birthday!

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