Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another Damaged Wrist!

I just got to spend another few hours in the ER! Yay me. Quinn was running backwards (long story) didn't see a jacket on the ground and fell backwards. He put his left arm back (bad idea he is left handed!) to catch himself. Above is picture from December when he did a similar thing and broke his wrist! Now he is in another splint for weeks only on his left hand! Did I mention he was left handed! He is thinking I will come in and write down all his work...Yea Right! He convinced Bridget he needed to sleep with her last time, I wonder what will happen tonight!


The Lee's said...

LOL! You a better put that boy in a bubble so he doesn't get hurt anymore!

Rayna said...

Wow! So sorry Quinn and Mary. I hate the ER!