Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Ones Who Go Before Us

It is inevitable for most of us that our parents will go before us...At least that is the way it is intended in most cases. I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose one of my children, but I have lost both of my parents. Right after I lost dad, mom became very ill and her dementia advanced, but I am so grateful for the last six months of her life that she spent her with me and my family. I am thankful for my son Jeff and how he took care of his grandma. I am thankful for my sisters who helped with this also. There was a show that aired right after my dad died and they talked about "The Dead Dad's Club", a little morbid I know. But what they said was so true, it is so much easier when you have lost a parent to comfort those that are going through it, they know you understand. My friend, and VT companion lost her mom last night, she was way too young and also a member of our church congregation, the first person I met at church, the first person to say Hello and Welcome! Her daughter is an amazing girl So that tells me what kind of women she was! It just brings all of the tears back for my mom! I know what is ahead for her(my friend) and I know it gets easier but then there are morning like this morning when 18 plus months later all you want to do is cry! And it is okay to cry it really does help!!!!

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