Well I didn't plan on taking the summer off! I didn't plan on many things that happened this summer! But they did! Some were good and some were not which has been the reason I have been so busy and just needed to take a break! I think I am finally feeling up to getting back into life though...Sometimes we just need a kick in the pants! So here is a run down as you know the end of May was very eventful (always is!) for our family Bridget turned 12 and is now in young women's at church! She has been able to go to the Temple and do work there, which I think is one her favorite things about being 12! Jeff turned 22 and is still working at Raley's he has been busy at work and trying to decide on a career path or school path...he is still dating Casey and we love her and like having her closer to us. In June Bridget had a promotion ceremony from Crescent school because it only goes to fifth grade, at the time with budget cuts we weren't sure where she would start school this year! Quinn and Bridget both performed in the Talent Show and Band Recital at the end of the year. We planted a garden and got some honeydew and watermelons maybe pumpkins! we have been working on getting a sprinkler system and lawn in our big backyard but that is a process! In June we took a trip to Utah and did some fun site seeing (Kelly had to work one day and that paid for most of the trip!) Unfortunately we were driving through West Jordan and a car pulled out in front of us on a major street and totalled our Honda on June 23rd...It began the start of the unexpected during the summer! We have all been to a chiropractor with various knee, back, neck pains but are getting to feel a lot better. Hopefully this will all be over with in the coming year and we will be getting a new family car! We did buy a used Buick for now which is a nice car and will be good for Bridget and Quinn when they need a car! When we got back from our first Utah trip we did have to go get a car, go spend a week at Cub Scout Day Camp! And a fun fourth at my sister Kathleen's new house! Quinn also spent a fun week at Art camp. We did some other fun things like the Exploritorium and Lawrence Hall of Science during the summer and then we went to see the Telescopes at night at Chabot with Diana and Nadja which was really fun! By August we found out that Bridget would be here at our local elementary school and Quinn and I decided to say goodbye to Crescent and for him to move there also, this puts Quinn and Bridget on he same schedule! SO before school started Kelly's dad came out and drove back with me and the kids to Utah to visit with Kelly's Oma and his cousins son Fabian, we had a good visit and did some more site seeing and spent a really fun day at Lagoon! Quinn is happy to have a new German pen pal! when we got back it was time to get ready for school, Bridget is in sixth grade and got the teacher that we hoped she would. Quinlan was originally placed in a a class that wasn't working for him but after a couple of days he was offered a place in a Gate Class (Advanced Placement) and he has loved it, he loves a good challenge! They both started back at Piano lessons with Sister Adam's and both stated advanced band this last week and love it, I am not sure if I love to hear all of the practicing! Especially Quinn's sax! Bridget spent the last few weeks practicing and performing in a Road show (they did a spoof of Beauty and the Beast) for church and had a lot of fun with that! I am not working yet but have been looking for a new job and hoping to get something early morning so I can still be a taxi in the afternoon! Lastly Quinn received his Arrow of Light! His last big cub scouting award from his Cub Master (Kelly) and his Den Leader (Jeff) in January Quinn will be a boy scout...Wow I can't believe how fast life goes by, and the small stuff like losing a car really just doesn't matter! Tomorrow would have been my daddy's 83rd birthday I miss him just as much today as I did 3 years ago! But I know if I am faithful and endure till the end we will be together forever someday! Happy Birthday Dad!
Hurray for fall! Glad to see you back!! :-)
Hey! :)
We just launched Fairfield bookoo - it's a massive online yard sale for Fairfield and surrounding areas.- Thousands of people buying and selling used stuff from each other, in a fun, family-friendly way! :)
We're getting the word out to some local bloggers, and would like to send you a free bookoo t-shirt (no strings attached!). If you would like a free t-shirt, will you send me an email at kellin@bookoo.com with your address and shirt size? I'll get it out to you right away!
(I could even send one for all your kids too! Just give me the sizes! :)
Check out the website:
Cong ty Nha vui
Mau nha dep Cong ty nha vui
Cong ty Thiet ke nha vui
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