Saturday, August 9, 2008

End of Summer!

Well yes it is true although it is early August school has started again and I am back at work! We had a quick and event filled summer. First, Quinn attended scout camp and Bridget and I volunteered to help out. Then we went camping for a few days at Union Lake reservoir in the Tahoe forest with family. It was a lot of fun, the kids swam, hiked, rafted, shot BB's and played extreme Croquet! After that we had a few days at home before we headed off to Disneyland and California Adventure. It was a fun trip with many memories! When we returned, Bridget and Sophia attended Scrap Book Camp and Quinn and Stacey went to Golf Lessons! Quinn also went to Lego camp while Bridget did some more Scrap booking! Of coarse we had lots of swim time and swim lessons too! We are also closer to Bike riding! We were blessed to have UrOma and Benjamin visit from Germany along with Oma and Opa from Utah! We visited San Fransisco and Benjamin got to tour Pixar and Jelly Belly, we ended with a trip to Marine World, where it became Official Quinn is a roller coaster rider! But just as we were settling back to school Bridget decided to have an extra break and go into the hospital to have her appendix removed! She is home now and doing well and with just a little scar she should expect a full recovery! Since she is 11 and Jeff was 11 when his ruptured we will be watching Quinn when he turns 11! Hope everyone is having a great summer too, we are anxiously awaiting 2 new nephews this fall!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Looks and sounds like an exciting summer! I'm glad Bridget is feelign better.
We need to get together sometime,too.