Friday, May 2, 2008

I miss my Mom!

This has been a really interesting week! Quinn has pretty bad spring allergies which resulted in asthma for the first time, which meant new medicine and a trip to the doctors for a breathing treatment... Bridget had a touch of the flu (more like sympathy and trying to stay home with her brother!) Jeff (who thank goodness just got insurance) had a touch of sore throat and his tonsils were swollen so doctors and medication for him! All this while Kelly and I were looking at houses and trying to get our credit clean so we can get a loan! What a fun process, especially when there is stuff on there that has been paid off for years and should have never of been on there! Then the big thing the reason for the title..."I miss Mom," I had a routine mammogram last week and on Monday they called to take some more film (Yeah as if once every two years wasn't enough!) so I went in for that wow what fun! Well I got a call from ultra sound today and they want to look at it some more! Of coarse trying to get an appointment is fun...Hopefully this ends with that but if not I will head into the trial with prayer and knowing something good will come out of it! So yes I need my mom this week... Sometimes I wonder how she did it!

1 comment:

Carolann said...

Hi there, I heard everything turned out okay so I'm happy to hear it. YAY!